Bologna new year’s event 2012-2013

It ‘been called the program of the New Year’s Eve 2012-2013 in Bologna organized by the city and I will present timely, enriched with interesting links that relate to the protagonists.

The dominant theme of the evening is “from above” or the performances of the artists will take place all by ‘high terrace of Palazzo Re Enzo and transform Crescentone of Piazza Maggiore in a track in the open, where amongst medieval buildings will creep experimental electronic sounds and . Keep up the great match between Bologna and contemporary music, a contrast that gave a wonderful time, even during previous events (see Robot festival).

It starts with musical entertainment by Len, famous deejay resident of Ravenna Bronson that leave the scene at around midnight Serge Pizzorno, musician and songwriter of Kazabian.

Always trying to ride the wave of the contrast between the ancient and the modern location of the incumbent, will not fail even this year ‘the traditional burning of the “Vecchione” at Midnight. This year for the construction were interviewed two young artists Bolognesi that under the common name of PetriPaselli try to interpret a centuries-old tradition with a modern twist in which a large puppet that represents the old year is burned, as if to forget the any ugly past and pave the way for new advances that.

We invite you to celebrate the New Year ‘in Bologna and remember to check our website special offers for longer stays. At a party in fact many museums will be open and from this link you can download the pdf with the times and locations of the various exhibits.


One of the thing that has always characterized the city of Bologna, and that made it in the hearts of people , was the close relashionship between the music . A lot of the artists that were born in the city and continue to attend as many are those who have decided to bring their noble art to Bologna , finding the perfect place to be able to perform and inspire .

The Bologna jazz tradition has its origin in the 30’s and 40’s and in the 50’s and 60’s with the organization of international festival that grows the name of the city in Europe . Since 2006 take place the Bologna Jazz Festival, a worthy successor to a category of events that began in 1958.

From 15 to 25 November 2012 all fans of the genre will be having fun with the number and quality of the concerts that were organized. Here is the link with the complete program is distributed in many different locations, the city theater tavern. Gives the festival after another major event that has occupied Bologna in September, that is “the way of  Jazz” this year commemorated a great Italian music: Lucio Dalla.

The staff of ‘Metropolitan Hotel will assist you in booking tickets and in the’ logistics of travel and will provide a good starting point due to its location in the historic center. For info and booking

Bologna in the middle of summer…

A Bologna d’estate c’è una gran pace , c’è meno traffico ed il caldo probabilmente impone a chiunque di muoversi con più calma e serenità .

Si lavora meglio e una volta fuori dagli orari standard di lavoro c’è la possibilità di godersi le numerose attività collaterali che quest’estate non mancano davvero .

Per quello che riguarda i concerti e le manifestazioni, un gran bel lavoro secondo noi è stato fatto da “bè”, ovvero Bologna estate che ha raccolto e riordinato numerossime iniziative , valorizzando spesso angoli della città che gli stessi bolognesi non sempre frequentano .

Se siete degli sportivi e la vostra passione è la bicicletta , potete sfogarvi approfittando della pedonalizzazione ormai diventata  un classico durante il week end . I T-days , che anche se al centro di numerose polemiche, stanno trovando un loro equilibrio tra sostenibilità e logistica dei trasporti, e offrono sicuramente un centro  cittadittadino rilassato e sicuro per ogni tipo di ciclista, dal bambino che sta imparando o al cicloviaggiatore  professionista .

Se invece siete assetati di cultura o perchè no, cercate refrigerio nelle ampie sale di un museo, potete usufruire del percorso culturale artistico e museale articolato negli edifici del centro storico, organizzato da Genus bononiae oppure visitare la Mambo , il museo d’ arte moderna di Bologna .

L’estate con le sue miti temperature serali, permette inoltre ai numerosi ristoranti del centro storico di poter usufruire dei dehor all’ aperto e allora la grande tradizione enogastronomica bolognese  si mescola ai colori della città illuminata  . Per questa stagione , ma proseguirà fino al 30 di Novembre , è stata creata un iniziativa che vede anche fra i creatorie l’ ACCADEMIA DELLLA CUCINA ITALIANA chiamato Menù vera Bologna che permette di poter assaporare le specialità locali in numerosissime location e con menù adatti atutte le tasche .

Con questo post abbiamo solo cercato di presentare alcune delle numerose iniziative estive bolognesi di cui si può apprifittare durante la stagione estiva , sia che passiate per lavoro o che siate nel bel mezzo di una vacanza . Forse potreste trovare ispirazione e visitare angoli del nostro territorio che vi sorprenderanno durante questo periodo di “quiete”.

In Bologna a june dedicated to the cinema

In June in Bologna is the main protagonist is the cinema and the Bologna film library that  with two  festivals will entertain in the evenings of  the Bolognesi and of the all the tourists.

The first from 8-18 June is the Biografilm festival aims to celebrate on  the big screen the lives of some characters.

“The selection of stories for this eight edition of the Biografilm Festival seems to have brought with them contradictory perspectives: the protagonists of Biografilm all have an idea, a project, an objective, a passion for which they have fought and are poised to share at large. ”

The second festival from 23 to 30 June will be found 26sima edition of Cinema, an event that has never betrayed the expectations, a staple for movie lovers will enjoy it as much as 4 rooms open with both daytime and evening events and screenings that can use the splendid setting of Piazza Maggiore for projections of 10 pm . Still alive in our personal memories of the projection “The sweet life” of Fellini a few years ago we saw virtually cycling eating an ice cream, where the living that magical black and white screen had taken possession of all the center of Bologna.

We can only advise you to consult the links listed above to be given access to programs and choose the event that intrigues you the most … ENJOY!