We are at the beginning of August, the month of holidays for the majority of Italian workers, the African heat, and the city’s half-empty.
Bologna, which is continuously improving the relationship with foreign tourists thanks to the richness of its resources, provides the porticoes and gardens as places in which to escape the heat during the middle, but when the temperatures are rising more than the seasonal average, a dip into ‘fresh water remains an unparalleled pleasure.
Stimulated by this human need and the numerous requests of our guests, including a winery tour and one motor they need for a day of relaxation and fresh, we decided to catalogue those that we think are the best swimming pools available in the city or short distance from the center.
The group brings together 6 SO.GE.SE it, all in one ‘area of 30 km from the city center, the nearest is certainly one of the Junior, from their website you can easily choose the one that suits you and the one in the area that it is convenient to you
Il Villaggio del Fanciullo in Via Scipione del Ferro 4, offers a beautiful indoor pool overlooking a solarium with a lot of grass on which to relax, just off the main ring Bologna
Lo Sterlino in via Murri 113, just two steps away from the center and Margherita gardens, it features a lap pool and facilities also suitable for children.
Il Villaggio della salute , not exactly in the center, but located on the first Apennines is characterized by accommodate both a spa that a water park and a farm holiday
Surely we will be forgotten to other pools that are worth a visit, so please keep us updated and wish you to have fun during this August in Bologna