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Bologna_ The real City of Food

March 24 was officially unveiled in Via Manzoni at the Oratorio St. filippo Neri the project Bologna_City of Food. The initiative has a custom logo and a website dedicated www.cityoffood.it aims to coordinate all the initiatives on the food that will have as location Bologna.

cityoffoodThe marketing project is actually a “rib” of detached ExBo, an initiative promoted by the municipality to pave the way to Milan Expo 2015, and boasts the participation of the Municipality of Bologna, Caab, Bologna Welcome, Fondazione Alma Mater Foundation Golinelli Marino, Bologna Fiere and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of Bologna. If the main theme of the Milan Expo will be FEEDING THE PLANET, the main theme of City of Food will be to make it clear to all concerned that it will be impossible not to move from Bologna if you want to deepen your own culture in the ‘context of’ supply and and healthy food. Here’s the video presentation


To complete this, and it is appropriate to say, “binge” of initiatives was presented by Andrea Segre the starting date on the construction of Etaly World, the Disneyland of food that will open in 2015 in Bologna in the area of ​​the CAAB . This great project that involves the participation of many companies and people among which stands out the owner of Eataly, Oscar Farinetti occupy a vast area and give you a chance for anyone to visit and learn about everything that revolves around healthy eating all made ​​in Italy. Here is the link to the map in Pdf.


From Bologna we can only be proud of what is happening and Italian we  hope that it is only of the beginning of the exploitation of the strengths that our beautiful country for too long time remained hidden.

Summer swimming pools in Bologna

We are at the beginning of August, the month of holidays for the majority of Italian workers, the African heat, and the city’s half-empty.

Bologna, which is continuously improving the relationship with foreign tourists thanks to the richness of its resources, provides the porticoes and gardens as places in which to escape the heat during the middle, but when the temperatures are rising more than the seasonal average, a dip into ‘fresh water remains an unparalleled pleasure.

Stimulated by this human need and the numerous requests of our guests, including a winery tour and one motor they need for a day of relaxation and fresh, we decided to catalogue those that we think are the best swimming pools available in the city or short distance from the center.

The group brings together 6  SO.GE.SE  it, all in one ‘area of ​​30 km from the city center, the nearest is certainly one of the Junior, from their website you can easily choose the one that suits you and the one in the area that it is convenient to you

Il Villaggio del Fanciullo in Via Scipione del Ferro 4, offers a beautiful indoor pool overlooking a solarium with a lot of grass on which to relax, just off the main ring Bologna

Lo Sterlino in via Murri 113, just two steps away from the center and Margherita gardens, it features a lap pool and facilities also suitable for children.

Il Villaggio della salute , not exactly in the center, but located on the first Apennines is characterized by  accommodate both a spa that a water park and a farm holiday

Surely we will be forgotten to other pools that are worth a visit, so please keep us updated and wish you to have fun during this August in Bologna




The Bologn of the parks 1° part

Assuming that in May is beautiful even Vladivostock, it must be said that in this season Bologna gives the best of itself.

The crisp air of the morning is mixed with the warmth of the middle of the day and, after a winter infinite as that to which we have witnessed this year, every ray of sunshine is an injection of energy and health. Walking through the streets of the historic center or joyning of ‘hospitality of the gazebo outside of the Bolognese restaurant offers to the  tourists as to the locals a chance to experience the city at the height of its possibilities.

During this period of ‘years to while away Bologna also has some beautiful public parks where you can relax, take walks, ride a bike or simply lie in the sun. In this post I will try to present the public parks of our city.


Bologna's hillsCremonini has made them fmous in all Italy as a circuit suitable for “Vespa special” and brought in a song so egregious a feeling that every Bolognese has in his heart. The close proximity to the city center but also its rustic character made ​​it the ideal place to escape  from the “problems”. Exploited since ancient times by younger citizens when truant, give wonderful corners of peace and tranquility as well as challenging paths to be exploited by mountain bike. They are beautiful during the weekend, when they are occupied by large groups of people but maybe during the week when the influx of people is less, give moments of serenity and peace even more precious. They are the ideal place in which to enjoy a beautiful sunset or reading a good book lying on a blanket.


Villa Ghigi's park

Just above Porta San Mamolo is easily reachable on foot from the center. It offers a beautiful trail for walking and numerous sunny meadows on which to lie down peacefully. The trees offer shady oasis in which to stop and for the sport was set up a fitness trail with several stations located throughout the park.

On either side of the path were planted many fruit trees and large tree species native and exotic (including oak, hornbeam blacks, a centuries-old Himalayan cedar and a beautiful yew), in addition to a beech wood which is well naturalized instead of unusual altitudine

It owes its name to the Chigi family in 1972 he donated the property to the municipality of Bologna.


Cavaioni Park

Is the “beach” for many Bolognese. And maybe Hills Park farther away from the city but not the least frequented.

For many summers in the evening, hosted entertainment events while during the day it is occupied for the most part by lovers of  tan. Until recently it was also possible to rent sun beds and umbrellas. It ‘a kind of plateau located on the hilltops, one of the few flat meadows that I can find and this is often transformed into a football field or frisbee stadium.

Virtually inside  the park there is a riding school from which it is possible to go horseback riding, and in recent years, following the restoration of the villa was set up a restaurant.

Golf in Bologna

L’idea di creare una sezione del blog sul golf , principalmente legato al segmento turistico,  nasce dalla contraddizione che numerosi hotel a Bologna si “spacciano” come adatti ad accogliere golfisti ma in effetti non sanno neanche di cosa stanno parlando…

Sono il direttore dell’Hotel Metropolitan appassionato golfista da anni, socio del Golf Club Bologna, uno dei più prestigiosi Circoli italiani che proprio nel 2010 ha compiuto 50 anni .

Come appassionato golfista ho conosciuto direttamente ed ho giocato in alcuni percorsi tra i più belli in Italia e all’estero, mi ricordo con piacere il famoso “teeth of the dog” (per me non era ancora nulla di che tranne che un percorso come altri…provare per credere) a Casa de Campo dove ancora neofita ho imparato a conoscere alcune regole fondamentali per potere giocare all’estero grazie al supporto di un Caddy eccezionale.

Mi sono poi trovato spesso, per la mia professione e anche durante il tempo libero, a frequentare hotel di particolare riferimento golf; bene, a parte alcune strutture proprio inserite nel percorso che per forza di cose sanno bene quali sono le esigenze dei golfisti, altre pensano al golf unicamente come segmento interessante di un mercato in espansione e solo allo scopo di riempire camere.

Per alcuni direttori, non dico receptionist, un ferro 9 è identico alla racchetta da tennis, un sand potrebbe essere una bellissima spiaggia e non hanno l’idea di come sia duro uscire dal bunker.

Quindi ritengo che per potere scegliere bene un Hotel per golfisti non basta sfogliare le tante guide, peraltro utilissime e non trascurabili, ma dopo avere fatto una prima ricerca andare sul sito dell’Hotel stesso e toccare con mano se ci siano certe caratteristiche che lo differenziano.

Dopo tanti anni che gioco a golf ho imparato ad accogliere i golfisti, dare loro alcuni consigli di prima mano sui percorsi della regione, dedicare a loro una saletta dove sfogliare le ultime riviste specializzate, consigliarLi sull’itinerario migliore per raggiungere il Golf Club ed essere a loro dedicati durante e anche dopo il loro soggiorno

Claudio Salvatore – Hospitality Manager

Hotel Metropolitan & Met’s Apartment


Huge Music Events

We have noticed a growing number of high level of musical events scheduled for the first half of 2013 in Bologna.

Very happy of ‘wave positive and eager to participate in some of these in person we present a brief schedule of concerts with links to the site of’ artist.

Taking advantage of the presence of their favorite singer or band in town is a good excuse to discover the beauty of an historical center of the best preserved in Italy.

Both the stadium Dall ‘Ara and the Unipol Arena are located not more than 20 min. away from the center and are well connected.

  •      JUSTIN BIEBER March 23 2013 UNIPOL ARENA
  •      GREEN DAY June 6 2013 UNIPOL ARENA
  •      VASCO ROSSI 22-23-26 June DALL’ ARA STADIUM